Another basic blogger?




I know what you’re thinking. Angela, why are you blogging? What is the point of this? Aren’t there a million other bloggers out there?

Yes, yes, yes. There are. I didn’t create this site to become “Insta-famous” or to get glory from the world, but rather share His Glory. God gave me the talent of writing a long time ago. Just ask my parents how I exceeded in Language Arts but put two decimal points in my math homework (bless it Lord). In the last few years, God placed the desire to use my passion for writing and my passion for Him all in one place. I kept saying no. I kept telling God people would think I was silly and no one would read it. But after participating in #21DaysofPrayer with Church of the Highlands and truly asking Him for guidance in my career, I say to HECK with what I’m feeling cause God has placed this calling on me for a reason and he surely doesn’t give us the spirit of fear or doubt. If no one reads this blog but myself and my parents, I’m okay with that.

Now I know you’re also thinking, “Here’s another basic girl sharing some bible verses.” Nope. Not at all. I’m here to talk about Joy. You know the kind you sing about as a kid. “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart.” Sing that yourselves though, cause you don’t want to hear me singing. AT ALL.

Choosing to live joyfully in the midst of all circumstances. Whether you feel lonely, left out, like you need a career change, or maybe you’re actually loving life. No matter what season we’re in, we can choose to find the joy in it all. That’s something He has taught me recently and something I desire to share with others. In a world that pressures us to feel down and out or even downright depressed about just getting out of bed everyday, we all need to choose Joy. And boy, what a difference does it make. Not just to you. But to your spouse, your co-workers, your friends, or the lady scanning your groceries at the Walmart. When we choose joy no matter what, we realize this life we live is a really beautiful gift. That my friends, is a wonderful thing and once you accept that truth, no one can take that from you.

Now, after all that rambling, I’m here to say Welcome. I hope you’ll share this with your friends and family. I’ll have another post up soon, so come back to visit often.


2 thoughts on “Another basic blogger?

  1. Hi there Angela. I am reading your welcoming post and it reminds me so much of what I was thinking when I was creating my blog just about the same time. ‘Who would read it?’ – I wondered. But it did not matter as long as I felt I could follow God’s calling and write about my life experiences with Him. Same way as you felt encouraged to write about Joy.
    I will gladly continue reading your blog. Be blessed!

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